The 5 Healthiest Ingredients Used In Italian Cuisines

While many restaurants may come and go in NYC, Ponte Vecchio has been a staple of Fine Italian Cuisine in Brooklyn for over 35 years. Our team continues to raise the bar when it comes to providing a superior dining experience to any guest that steps through our doors. Everything our world-class chefs make is 100% authentic and widely considered to be the finest Italian Cuisine in Brooklyn. Our guests expect nothing but the best when they come to Ponte Vecchio, and that’s what makes us such a special dining experience. Those special experiences can be even more special with the right appetizer. So when you decide to pay us a visit, don’t just start and stop at dinner. Treat yourself and your fellow party guests to the one of a kind experience you’ll only find here at Ponte Vecchio.


Now, as much as people love Italian food, they oftentimes don’t know what goes into it. We also live in an age where people are becoming more and more health conscious. Understanding what goes into certain dishes is extremely important as well. That’s why we’ve decided to help explain the 5 healthiest ingredients used in Italian cuisines:

The following information was gathered from Eating Well:

  • Olive Oil. When you replace butter with olive oil, you’re doing more than just making a dish tastier. You’re also cutting back on saturated fat, lowering your LDL cholesterol levels, and boosting your levels of healthier HDL cholesterol as well. Olive oil has also been found to improve a person’s heart health due to the natural antioxidants it contains.
  • Tomatoes. Not only are these a staple found throughout Italian cuisine, but they also contain vitamin C and lycopene. Both of which are natural heart-protective antioxidants that can help prevent certain cancers. Vitamin A, potassium and folate are also among the tomato’s nutritional benefits. Although cooked tomatoes have less vitamin C, their lycopene is more available and antioxidant activity is undiminished.
  • Garlic. Garlic has both antibiotic and antifungal properties and boasts anticancer characteristics. Studies show garlic may lower breast, colon, stomach, throat and skin cancer risks. It’s heart-healthy, too, as it’s been shown to prevent clotting.
  • Whole Grains. Historically, unrefined grains (whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain bread, barley, whole-wheat couscous) are the base of most Mediterranean diets. Diets rich in whole grains may protect against heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
  • Dark Leafy Greens. To be Italian is to appreciate dark leafy vegetables, especially this earthly bitter brassica that pairs beautifully with bold ingredients like sausage, anchovy and hot pepper. Like other cabbage family members it’s a nutrition superstar, providing plenty of vitamin C, potassium, calcium and fiber as well as carotenoids and cancer-fighting indoles and isothiocyanates.




Eating right and enjoying a well-balanced lifestyle are the keys to enjoying a long, happy, and healthy life. But so is treating yourself to the finer things in life every now and then. Italian cuisine is full of so many flavorful and wonderful options. Many of those options may have fewer or more calories than you may expect to see in a certain dish. However, it’s always up to you to decide what you do or don’t choose to eat. Just realize, that Italian cuisine (when it’s cooked properly) offers some of the healthiest options you’ll find in almost any type of restaurant. We take pride in providing our customers with the freshest and most naturally prepared Italian dishes you’ll find anywhere. We hope to see you here at Ponte Vecchio very soon!


Eat, Laugh, & Enjoy Your Life To The Fullest…


Life is meant to be lived well. That includes work, family, recreation, and GREAT FOOD! Ponte Vecchio has been helping people make wonderful memories for over 35 years (and we’re still going strong). Making a reservation for your next Date, Family Gathering, or Other Special Occasion is always advisable. This is especially important to keep in mind considering the fact that our tables are sometimes booked for months in advance. If you would like to make a reservation at Ponte Vecchio, please submit your request through our Reservation Request form located here. For availability, please give us a call today at (718) 238-6449.
