Privacy Policy

Ponte Vecchio Privacy Policy

At Ponte Vecchio have stressed the importance of privacy for our customers, and are committed to earning your trust by implementing high standards for the protection of your personal information.

What Information Do We Collect?

To establish and maintain relationships with our customers and the services they wish to use with us, we use it to better fulfill your needs with us. We use the personal information that you input to better service you at our establishment. We also use it to manage and develop our business operations.

How Do We Use Your Information?

We may use the information you provide us by using the website to make a reservation or using it to communicate with you regarding your preferences, any special requests you might make as well, or any special offers we might send you from time to time. We will also provide you the chance to update your personal information at any time.

How Do We Protect Your Information?

Your information remains private when you disclose it with us. Only staff granted access to it are allowed to view it and are in agreement not to disclose the information with any third parties.

Do We Use Cookies?

The site may be using cookies and other tracking technology depending on our offered features. Cookies are used alongside other tracking technology which provides us with useful information such as what browser you are using, the operating system and as well as the number of visitors on our site and how they are using it. The use of cookies on this website may be used to show you advertisements regarding our website, they are not being used to track you.
Keep in mind that we will not link any of your personal information to advertising cookies. We only implement the use of cookies to understand and save preferences for customers visiting our site in the future. You have the option to refuse the use of cookies by accessing the settings on your internet browser, however, be aware that by doing so it may prevent you from using our site at its full functionality.

Do We Disclose Any Information To Outside Parties?

We will not disclose any of your personal information for any other purpose than for those stated above unless we are given your consent. We will make sure to take steps to protect your personal information so it is consistent with our policy and the law. You are always free to refuse to provide any personal information, as long as you acknowledge that in some instances it may limit or make it difficult for us to prove you with the services you might request.

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